We are now collaborating with professional associations of Czech and Moravian growers

The professional associations of growers, the Fruit Growers Union of the Czech Republic (OUČR) and the Vegetable Growers Union of Bohemia and Moravia (ZUČM), along with the company Aramark, confirm their interest in collaboration with the aim of jointly providing fresh and processed domestic fruit and vegetables. These parties have recently signed a memorandum of mutual partnership with regard to the trademark FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH A PEDIGREE.

The FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH PEDIGREE label is exclusively intended for marking the production of members of the Association for the Integrated Vegetable Production System at ZUČM and the Association for Integrated Fruit Systems at OUČR. It guarantees the consumer the domestic origin of the product, its greater safety, and environmental friendliness. The label also declares to the consumer the maximum possible freshness of the product, as it is delivered directly without unnecessary transportation and storage.

Aramark successfully uses seasonal fruits, vegetables, meat, or dairy products from local growers in the Czech Republic in its establishments, both in the regular menu and through the special concept Journey to the Plate.

Together, all parties will support and promote the importance of daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables for the citizens of the Czech Republic. One of the first joint steps was a joint workshop at the Summer Business Camp, with the participation of FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH PEDIGREE.

“Public catering is one of the fundamental ways our consumers can learn that vegetables and fruits are an indispensable part of our diets and that their share should increase in the interest of our health. We therefore value the cooperation with a partner like Aramark. And we believe that thanks to them, our FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH PEDIGREE will find its way to the plate of the Czech consumer,” said Monika Nebeská, chairwoman of ZUČM.

“Our growers of FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH PEDIGREE do more in their work – for consumer safety, for nature, for the quality of the produce. Therefore, the connection with a company that does more for its customers is a clear choice that can bring even more to all parties,” adds Martin Ludvík, chairman of OUČR.

“Fresh and quality fruit from regional growers is fundamental for us. We want the best for our customers. And that is why FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH PEDIGREE is our clear choice. Not only as a source of raw materials but also as a way to positively influence our customers to be interested in what they consume. We look forward to further cooperation!” concludes Vladimír Staněk, managing director and CEO of Aramark.

More information, including the text of the memorandum, can be found on the website www.ovoceazeleninasrodokmenem.cz.

Cesta na talíř

Cesta na talíř

For Aramark restaurants, we buy fresh seasonal ingredients from local farmers and growers. A few hours after the harvest, we prepare our specialties. This reduces our carbon footprint while supporting the local economy.