Radishes benefit not only the digestive system

The radish originates from Asia. However, as a cultivated plant, it was also widely found in the Mediterranean. It begins to appear in historical materials in the third century BC. Alongside garlic…

The radish originates from Asia. However, as a cultivated plant, it was also widely found in the Mediterranean. It begins to appear in historical materials in the third century BC. Alongside garlic and onions, it was well known and used by the ancient Egyptians during the time of the pyramid constructions.

In the Czech environment, it appeared relatively late, only in the second half of the 18th century. Apparently, the radish was also one of the first European crops brought to America. There are records of a radish specimen weighing 45 kilograms and measuring 90 centimeters in length, although the only variety of this size today is the Japanese sakurajima radish.

Growing radishes is not particularly demanding. They germinate very soon after sowing and can be harvested within 14 days. The soil must, of course, be well-prepared, with a sufficient supply of nutrients. Experienced gardeners know that the radish is a short-day crop, meaning that quality bulbs are formed only in spring and autumn when the day is shorter, whereas in summer – during long days – the plant produces flower stalks and seeds. Therefore, it is not grown in summer. To ensure radishes are tasty and juicy, they must grow quickly, which means they need to be watered a lot. With fluctuating moisture, they begin to become woody.

Radishes can be eaten raw, peeled, or unpeeled, and can be slightly salted, which releases their pungent taste caused by mustard oil. The best radish is fresh, i.e., just picked. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be stored for long, as it wilts quickly. Radishes can be used in many salads, spreads, soups, or as a side dish to meat. The green leaves also taste good, and pesto can be made from older leaves.

Radishes are rich in fiber. They also contain vitamin C, a large amount of folic acid, selenium, potassium, and calcium. The health benefits are very broad. It is used as a remedy for colds because it releases mucus. However, they are also very effective in aiding digestive issues, as even a single radish can speed up the passage of digested food through the intestines.

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For Aramark restaurants, we buy fresh seasonal ingredients from local farmers and growers. A few hours after the harvest, we prepare our specialties. This reduces our carbon footprint while supporting the local economy.